Here are a bunch of pictures from the past week in Florianópolis.
I'll have details on the pictures and all of that jive a little bit later. I'm pretty busy with things right now, with the event last week, tests, translations, etc.
So anyway, here are the pictures for those who want to see them now. I will come back later and format them and provide descriptions and things of that nature.
Thanks for stopping by. Oh yeah, please check out Policy Reform in Action, it's updated quite a bit. Thanks!
Shot of the cars on the beach in front of a nice little restaurant at Pântano do Sul.
Caroline and me at the restaurant.
One more time.
Another shot from the resetaurant.
Shot from the beach.
See the little baby on the right? Awww, how sweet.
Another beach shot.
Caroline from behind.
Walking down Avenida Beira mar.
Ponte Hercílio Luz. Famous bridge in Florianópolis that is no longer in commission.
Caroline standing on Avenida Beira Mar in front of Ponte Hercílio Luz.
There are all presentation pictures from the final roundtable at the Terceiro Encontro Escravidão e Liberdade no Brasil Meridional.
So the event finally starts, 35 minute after it's scheduled time. You see, THIS is why Brazil will never become what people say it could.
Shouldn't this shindig be starting by now?
Ana Paula from UFSC, studied at USC in 2005.
Everyone minus Carlos Lima at Yellow's Pizzaria.
Eating at Yellow's.
Look at the camera.
Next few are just a couple shots from around the UFSC campus.
Everyone having a good time at Boca's I in Florianópolis.
Caroline knocking out some of that shrimp. These plates of shrimp are ridiculous.
All the students there.
This is Fernanda's banner presentation at the event. Fernanda studies at UFSC and studied at USC in 2005.
At the event's evening reception. Free snack food and drinks, can't beat it.
Ana Paula's banner presentation.
João José Reis, opening presenter at the event.
One more time.
Shot of the opening to the city outside of our hostel. Was a great deal. R$28 per night including free breakfast, free internet (wireless!), free use of sheets, pillows and blankets, and it's just a 5 minute walk to Centro. Great deal.
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
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1 comment:
Thanks for the pictures
Miss yall alot
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