Sunday, March 18, 2007

Pictures from today's soccer game:

Today at the stadium near the house there was a "clássico", or as we may call it in the US, a rivalry game. The game was between two teams in Curitiba; Coritiba Football Club vs. Paraná Clube. The game ended in a 2x2 tie after Coritiba finally figured out how to play the game.
Anyway, it was really sunny and pretty hot until the clouds came, and that's when I was finally able to get some decent pictures. The pictures I'm gonna post have a few taken by Caroline and some taken by me. In total I think there are around 40 pictures. Enjoy!
BTW, no captions for these pictures. Just check'em out.

1 comment:

Will said...

Legal, eu estava lá também, só que na arquibancada. Fico feliz por você ter escolhido torcer para o Coxa!