Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Festival de Teatro: 22 March - 1 April

So Caroline and I have been seeing a few of the plays they've been showing during the Theatre Festival here in Curitiba.
The Festival happens every year. Each year, some of the biggest theatre companies and directors come to Curitiba to show off their acting, directing, writing, and choreography skills for the public. A lot of times the plays are ones that have been shown in other parts of the country, but each year a director chooses to show the play for the first time during the Festival. These plays are always extremely packed, each showing, and everyone who goes dresses up in suits and dresses (which means I haven't seen any new releases).
I also am not the biggest fan of theatre, but last year I missed out on quite a few seemingly good plays because I didn't really know anything about the festival. This year, however, I decided to go out and see a few plays. Drama isn't really much my thing, so instead I have chosen to see comedies.
Here I'll give a short description to everyone what the plays were about and what I thought of them.

"Meu Tio é Tia" (My Uncle is my aunt) - This play was put on by a group from Belo Horizonte in the state of Minas Gerais. As you can possibly tell from the title, this play has to deal with gay men.
Belo Horizonte, for those who don't know, is basically in the middle of no where. It is still quite a conservative city compared to the big coastal cities in Brazil. Even more conservative than the big city itself are the cities in the interior of the state of Minas Gerais.
So the idea is that a young, strapping, handsome cowboy comes into the big city from the interior because he wants to be a rodeo star. In order to settle himself down and get his career going, he has to find somewhere to stay. So he realizes that he has an uncle in Belo Horizonte.
The young guy shows up at kind of an unexpected time. The uncle lives with a friend (also gay), and their other transvestite friend (a gay man who dresses and acts like a woman). Everyone there is just really gay, and everything they have is really gay. They have pink fluffy carpets, flowers everywhere, shiny golden pillows, and a huge wall hanging with a nearly naked man, standing like a tree, with the tree-top on top of the man's head.
The boy figures out pretty quickly about his uncle and his uncle's friends, but he plays along so as not to make them feel uncomfortable. The boy pretends to be really attracted to the transvestite, hangs out with his gay uncle's friend, drinking cachaça and talking about relationships with women and how they just don't work, etc.
The play basically ends with the boy revealing to everyone that he knew all along everyone was gay and that he most definitely realized the transvestite (or his "aunt", as she was referred to throughout the charade) was indeed a man.
It's a happy ending, the boy revealing that there are gay people where he's from, his city isn't some backwards place where no one is tolerant of other lifestyles, etc. Overall, a happy ending.
I actually thought this play was funny, although somewhat hard to understand because of the Mineiro accent. I laughed throughout most of it and Caroline understood a bit of it, and when I had to explain some of the jokes she still understood them.
The play received such a big welcome that the festival gave them another day to show the piece. Hopefully they received a good turnout becuase it was definitely worth seeing.

I'll post reviews and thoughts on the other plays I've seen a little bit later, this way I can have more posts for everyone to read and I don't just update every week or ten days or whatever.
Thanks for checking it out!

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